JugisPRO - Eholotes.lv fishing teamJugisPRO - Eholotes.lv fishing team born almost 10 years ago when Kristians Godins offered Martins Balodis take a part in Latvian championship, predator fishing from boats.We had many challenges during these years and many chalenges we won. In 2016 we won Latvian championship and started international competitions - went to Garmin series, WorldPredator Calssic, LundPredator Calssics, Predator Tour Sweden and similar ones as sport is our passion and we enjoy to compete with best anglers!
One of great stories is shop Eholotes.lv which born in 2014, born from sporting activities and offer premium assortment of fishing goods.
At present our shop is leading retailer in marine electronics in Latvia and have more than 6000 active postions of fishing equipment in more than 300 sq/m facilities. We offer premium fishing equipment, NorthSilver boats, BigPike boat trailers, all marine brands for fishing and provide our experience to our customers! Get the best!
We developed nice and very convenient trailers for sportfishing boats in different sizes - BigPIKE L, XL and double XL version. We like to create and enjoy results!
We like to go fishing, catch big ones! Big predator fishing is so enjoyable!
We grow together - sports and bussiness and they support each other! You are always welcome! Our team at your disposal!
JugisPRO - Eholotes.lv fishing team