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Thank you for visiting this page.Eholotes.eu is not just an online shop, it is a professional store with a knowledgeable and professional staff.
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8 years ago on the 14th of December, we made our first sale, we sold a fish finder and now, we are an official Garmin equipment installer. We have also expanded into variety of predatory fish fishing techniques. We sell boats, fishing electronics, outboard engines, boat accessories, and many more useful things for anglers hunting for predatory fish like rods, reels, lines, lures, furniture, and tools. Important to know that we also have a variety of fishing clothes for every season.
Our store is growing every day with new items added to the website daily and new equipment arriving almost every week. Currently, there are over 10 000 items in our online shop and the assortment keeps growing.We want you to know about our latest new arrivals and offer special discounts to registered users, therefore we have created the option to create your eholotes.eu account. We plan to deliver concise information about new arrivals and exclusive discounts for relevant equipment. A registered website user will have access to said discounts when visiting the shop either online or on-site.When signing up at eholotes.eu you get:
- Regular special offers that are exclusive to registered users.
- Early access to information about upcoming sales.
- Useful information about new arrivals including video reviews.
Sign up at Eholotes.euWe are currently working on even more privileges which we plan to announce before open water season, of course, exclusively for registered users.Follow our social platforms - Youtube Eholotes Video, Facebook, Instagram